They always say, "Turn your pain into your passion." And it was exactly what I needed, that I wanted to become for others.
About Me

Hi! I’m Jamie.
An International Certified Breathwork Specialist and funder of ReWild Breathwork & Somatic Healing.
I believe true magic happens when you mix science and spirituality, data + a little woo woo. If you were to tell me just a few years ago that I’d be guiding breathwork alongside teaching future practitioners, I wouldn’t have believed you, but the universe has a funny way of making things happen just as they should.
My first career was in Major League Baseball with three teams, the Atlanta Braves, New York Yankees, and Los Angeles Dodgers over a span of 12 years. As a rising leader in my field, 60 hour workweeks were common. Being part of major events like the World Series and creating unforgettable off the field experiences were my passion. And with this great passion also came great pressure.
So yes, I am a recovering perfectionist. Combining my career with competitive Crossfit training and my people pleasing nature, I hit complete burnout.
On the outside, I was a walking example of "you can do it all." On the inside, I had serious doubts. I experienced the kind of anxiety that is so normal, you don’t even know it’s called anxiety. The result was weight gain, an autoimmune condition and a near break down. I had worked myself to the point of adrenal fatigue which finally caused me to slow down and admit to myself that I couldn't do it anymore.
As I healed, I sought freedom.
I left baseball altogether to pursue health and wellness, through movement and nutrition coaching. I wanted to help others before they, too, experienced the burnout that is so prevalent in today’s world.
I began to find myself again, I began to wake up. It was then that I realized this entire life I had created up until this point, was a reflection of unconscious patterns and conditioning.
This is when the inner work began, and everything started to unravel - my marriage, my friendships, and the awareness that I was living a life that was not my own.
That’s what led me to Breathwork and eventually to becoming a Breathwork Practitioner and Trainer. The practice brought me to a depth I've never experienced before. To both the light and the dark. To both pain and joy. To home.
This showed me the most important realization of my life: it’s the Mind, Body, Soul connection that truly heals us, that allows us to express authentically, that allows our wildest desires to make manifest.
My journey has taken me from a small town in Georgia to New York to LA to Bali. Through burnout, heartache, adventure, mentors and new skills, I have developed a deep sense of personal freedom and purpose, as well as a toolkit to help others do the same.
I am a servant. I am a playful lover. I am here to fully live and let expression be my playground, and to help you do the same.